Protocol Nr. 28
Name: B. S.
Gender: male
Place of birth: Huszt
Date of birth: 1929
Place of residence: Huszt
Occupation: student
Ghetto: Huszt
Camps: Birkenau, Buchenwald, Dachau
Gender: male
Place of birth: Huszt
Date of birth: 1929
Place of residence: Huszt
Occupation: student
Ghetto: Huszt
Camps: Birkenau, Buchenwald, Dachau
The person in question has given us the following information: A lot of Jews lived in Huszt, some of them were very rich, and many were destitute. We had a farming lease and we lived on it free from worries. When the Germans entered, we had to wear a yellow star immediately. We were not allowed to go on the main street, we could not go to the cinema, and we had no synagogue either. It was SS soldiers from Nürnberg who continuously robbed us and looted in Huszt. Hungarian gendarmes dragged us into the ghetto; they were terribly cruel and they took away our money, gold and watches. We could not take anything with us. The ghetto was a street in Huszt. The SS men kept going there all the time and they were beating everybody continuously. The houses were searched almost every day; they came to us too and took everything away. The local authorities behaved in a very evil manner, they drove our cattle away and stole the fodder. I wanted to escape from the ghetto to Pest, but the detectives caught me at the train station and took me back. József Bíró, chief notary of Huszt behaved in an even worse manner than the SS; he came to the ghetto and robbed us of the little food that had remained for us and he was cruel to us. We could take one knapsack to the cattle car and food for 3 days. We had no water. In Kassa they handed us over to the Germans who plundered us the first thing and they robbed us of what was left from our valuables. A boy called Janovics escaped from the cattle car. Polish prisoners received us in Birkenau, they chased us out of the cattle cars and we were not allowed to take anything with us. They separated us from the old people and the young were taken to work. We spent 6 weeks there, but we did not work, we only had to be lining up for roll call all day long. First I was in a children's camp, where selections were often made and I was put in the group of able-bodied people. I was taken to Buchenwald and I got a number there. They treated us very badly in the camp. We worked in an ammunition factory; the work was hard, the food was poor. Several Jews fell victim to the continuous air raids; out of 20 Jewish barracks the residents of 18 died. From Buchenwald we marched to Dachau; it took us 3 weeks to get there. They did not give us water or food. We received 4-5 raw potatoes every three days and we were so horribly hungry that we ate grass. From among the 4,500 Jews, 3,000 died on the way. In Dachau, I was taken to hospital with typhus fever. The American liberating troops were very good to us, we received good beds and first-class food in the hospital and the American nurses tended to us selflessly. First I will go home for some days, but then I would like to go to America.